August 26th, 2019-September 3rd
And he’s off! The one, the only, Scott Kardel on the road at last!
Poets have written of it. The people have yearned for it. The earth itself has demanded it. Scott on an adventure of a lifetime—a tour around the world. First stop: Dublin, Ireland. Our intrepid explorer arrived in Dublin at 7:05am. Handsome. Rugged. The spacecraft landed; the time was nigh for his first steps on Irish soil. With naught but a carry on bag, his exit through the airport was swift and painless. Sean, a local of Dublin and a good friend to Scott, was there to escort our hero from the airport.

Sean and Scott had met nearly two years prior in South Africa where they were roommates and fast friends. Though it took longer than anyone had expected or hoped for, their reunion was imminent at last. In South Africa they were no stranger to drinking pints and taking in breathtaking views, so Ireland was sure to pick things up in familiar fashion. Having left Michigan and landed in Ireland, Scott took in the views as he galavanted through the airport. The big windows, the gray clouds in the sky, the exorbitant amount of airplanes, it all looked so…the same. Identical to the scene he had left in Michigan. But it wasn’t; not by a long shot. Our hero continued his passage through the airport, headphones in. A new chapter was beginning. No job, (regrettably close to) no funds, and nearly no plan. One man. One mission. 87 trillion opportunities for fun and shenanigans. Scott and Sean found each other at last and embraced while congratulating each other on being masters of the universe. The reunion was grand. Sean can be described as class, and trumpets rang out as the two titans were reunited at last. Sean dropped our hero off at his flat before heading into his last day at work before the holiday began—a road trip to end all road trips would commence the following morning. That night they grabbed celebratory pints with Paul—Scott’s comrade for much of the trip, and Martin, another class act from Manchester and the second half of our heroes Irish bromance.
Bromance: noun. An affectionate but not sexual relationship between two bros. Think Matt Damon and Ben Affleck or Eminem and Dr. Dre. Or Scott and his reflection in the mirror.

The next morning they began a road trip to end all road trips. They were to hit four cities before their return to Dublin: Cobh, Dingle, Lahinch, and Galway. The league of legends featured a stunning cast: Sean, Martin, Paul, Scott, and newcomer David. They started with a tour of Kilmainham prison, one of two prison tours for the trip (who would have thought!) before embarking on a bike ride that tested the strength of our heroes’s thighs. Contrary to popular belief, the eye test, and a subscription to Planet Fitness that our hero forgot to cancel before he left (thanks for taking care of that mom!), Scott had not been to a gym in over a year and was not exactly in the best shape of his life. Despite this, our hero powered through in a powerhouse fitness performance critics are still raving about.

The resting place destination for night number one was a cozy air Bnb in Cobh: a lovely town with a jaw dropping cathedral that demands your attention. Our hero and his company of merry men enjoyed a delightful dinner and unwinded with some Irish beer–not Guinness in a shocking turn of events–and an Irish card game called 25. To describe how the game works here would be futile and boring, but picture Euchre and add a thousand more rules.

Day 2 started with miserable weather conditions (a light drizzle) but it could do nothing to dampen the spirits of our conquering company of five. To close out their time in Cobh, our heroes took to the ferry and explored Spike Island, a former prison. In addition to their second fascinating history lesson and prison tour in as many days, their time on the island was filled with shenanigans and hysteria. A visit to the island cafe to escape the rain may have provided a little too much caffein for these miscreants. I’ll let the pictures do the talking.

Upon completion of their tour, they took the ferry back and visited the Cathedral. In what would be a theme of the trip, Paul enjoyed every second and was able to appreciate the magnificence of the architecture and history while Scott took a few moments to take in the view before waiting patiently outside.
That night they alighted on the town of Dingle. I could go on about the gallantry of this band of brothers that night, but I will keep it brief. Five bros. Five lovely ladies. One convenient table for ten at the pub. Our hero and his supporting cast of all stars made friends with the girls and learned a thing or two from Sean about how to engage the ladies in a dialogue of psychoanalysis.

Dingle did see the first truly tragic occurrence on the trip the following morning: the Departure of David. It was always a part of the plan, but it was devastating none the less. The boys were without a critical component of their squad.
The clouds darkened and eyes watered foreshadowing the rain as David departed.
With David and Dingle in the rear-view mirror, next up was Lahinch. Cobh and Dingle had their share of beauty and good times, and Galway was easily the “sexiest” of the group with its bumping night-life, serene views, too-many-to-count drool inducing restaurants and pubs, but when they got to Lahinch on day three of the road trip it took our intrepid hero captive from the second he stepped out of the car despite the circumstances: It was rainy, the hostel was not yet available, and the company were desperately in need of a nap…and yet it was paradise. They spent an afternoon in a pub called The Corner Stone. To hear more about this dazzling spot, look for the Lahinch post in the series called Scott’s Spots.
Dingle may have meant goodbye to David, but Lahinch was hello to two newcomers: Evan and Jess. David was irreplaceable; there were no two ways about it. However, Evan and Jess, a power couple to say the least, brought a dynamic all their own. The company was now six, and it was glorious. You’ve never met someone as quick on their feet as Evan. A witty retort always on his lips, the group was treated to laughs on a near constant basis. Jess brought a sweetness to the table that was certainly missing before. She had one of the kindest spirits and demeanors while also possessing a fun-loving attitude to outdo even the most adventurous rival in addition to being absolutely brilliant–probably the smartest person in the room wherever she is, which is good because it allows her to keep up with the nonstop wit of her wisecracking boyfriend Evan.
While Jess did not join the group until the next day, Evan was introduced to the crew during a night out in Lahinch before getting up early the next morning for what would prove to be one of the best days of the entire trip: surfing, jacuzzi, Cliffs of Moher, and a night out in Galway.
How to Have One of the Best Days of Your Life: Step 1. Surfing
When you think “surfing” you think “Ireland!”, right?! It had been a year since your hero had been and he drooled with anticipation. Paul, on the other hand, was filled with dread.
If only I can survive the next two hours, the jacuzzi awaits me.”
-Paul Edward Keenan IV
The gang met up with Jess at the ocean. Introductions were made–first with each other, and then with the waves. The six of them took to the water in a splashing display of heroism, athleticism (for some of them) and good cheer. For a glorious hour and a half they took the sea by storm. Paul conquered his fears and proved to be a natural! This would be another theme for parts of the trip. This was also a nostalgic moment for the two surfing veterans of the group: Scott and Sean had shared some great memories together surfing off the coast of South Africa. Two years later and the magic was still there.

How to Have One of the Best Days of Your Life: Step 2. Jacuzzi
Once their board rental time was up, your wave warriors took to the sauna for some well deserved R&R. Spa time and a nice lunch out of the way, it was time to move on. The Super Six bid a fond farewell to Lahinch as they set out for a truly magical destination: the Cliffs of Moher.
How to Have One of the Best Days of Your Life: Step 3. Cliffs of Moher
Your hero looked down at the waves crashing into the cliffs. The wind rushed his perch, sweeping his hair and confirming what we all thought: supermodel.
The cliffs of Moher do what many truly incredible natural sights can do: quiet your soul. Looking over the edge left him speechless. Some things need to be experienced to be understood, and sometimes you need to stand in awe of something to remember yourself. Scott stood with his senses overwhelmed. The flecks of water slapped his face as the wind hit him again and again in an effort to push him back. The sound of the birds, the whoosh of the wind, and the crash of the waves soothed him. Any glance at all at a “What to do while in Ireland” list highlights this spot–everyone says you have to go to see the cliffs and they are absolutely right.

The sun began to set and darkness approached. Our hero and his friends of valor had to get a move on. They tore themselves from the never ending majestic views that the cliffs provided. Darkness rolled in but their day was still young.
How to Have One of the Best Days of Your Life: Step 4. Partay in Galway
They alighted on their air bnb. Though finding the correct address proved more challenging than anticipated, they made it at last. By midnight they were ready to take on the town, and they had a legendary night unto the wee hours of the morning.
Mercifully for them, the landlords allowed them a late checkout, and they were able to wake up at a leisurely pace and craft the most glorious breakfast you’ve ever seen courtesy of everyone except Scott–he is as useful in the kitchen as a fish is in a tree. Irish breakfasts are no joke, and your hero had been treated to several splendid ones, but this one was elevated even beyond the others.

They also had time to explore the beautiful city of Galway. They started by watching the Gaelic Soccer final–the Irish equivalent of the United States Super Bowl. I guess you could say it was kind of a big deal. It was hype as all get out, and your hero found himself wrapped up in the drama. In a display of absolute madness, the match ended in a tie and would have to be replayed in a few weeks. Lunacy.
After a lovely stroll, a couple pubs, dinner, and countless good laughs and delightful chats with remarkable company, it was time to go home.

The company went out with a bang on their final night together while back in Dublin. David sadly could not make it (though not without lack of trying and several WhatsApp voice messages from Scott) but everyone else was in attendance with a special guest appearance from the delightful Mariah! They loaded up on wine at a BYOB restaurant and had a glorious last supper before heading out for some karaoke in a private room. Certain voices (Paul and Mariah) contained true singing chops while others (Scott’s) had the audacity not to care what type of sounds escaped from their lips. It was a truly delightful evening. They ended with some pub hopping and baby Guinness shots before saying their final goodbyes.

The Sappy Stuff
Sean arranged an incredible itinerary and showed unending generosity. Dublin to Cobh to Dingle to Lahinch to Galway back to Dublin made for a great survey of Ireland. The country was beautiful, but the truth is the best part about my week there wasn’t the cliffs. It wasn’t the surfing. The nights out. It wasn’t even my magical time in Lahinch. It was reuniting with Sean after nearly two years apart to find that nothing had changed. It was standing next to Paul in a foreign country at the start of the adventure we had talked about for months. It was sharing beautiful experiences with new friends. Singing alongside people I’d only just met and yet felt like I’d known my whole life.
Traveling is incredible in so many ways. The way you learn about yourself as you wake up in a country you’ve never been to before. Living a waking daydream as you experience things you never thought you would. But the best thing is the people you meet and the relationships you strengthen. Ireland itself was a dream. But seeing Sean, spending time with Paul, and meeting Martin, David, Jess, Evan, and Mariah—this is what was the most special. With class people like that, it is a week that will be hard to beat.
Your hero sat shotgun to Sean as they made their way back to Dublin, the road trip over. Your hero was at the beginning of his journey, but work resumed the next day for his comrades.
“I’m feeling a bit blue to be honest,” Martin sighed as he broke the somber silence. “I don’t want this road trip to end.”
Me neither, Martin.
Scott, You do a wonderful job sharing your travels. Thanks for sharing the great time you’re having: )