Hello, and thank you for visiting my site! I am twenty-four years old and in the midst of the glorious–and sometimes confusing–adventure that is life in your twenties! Contrary to the image I give off (ha, I wish!) I do not have it all figured out. Rather, I have figured out that I do not want to wait until “someday”, “I’ve got my life in order”, or “when the time is right” to start living the life I want to live. I want to live today. Right now, that means grabbing life by the horns and experiencing adventure. I realized that I used to enjoy life more; I realized that I used to get excited for things. But then I didn’t. At twenty-four I am hardly old, but I am not getting any younger. Travel will not suddenly be more convenient when I am older, and life only gets more complicated rather than less. Chasing Neverland is about breaking out of the norms and routines that were draining me and about recapturing my energy, enthusiasm, and passion to explore who I am and to explore the world. To, like Peter Pan in Neverland, remain “young” even as the years go on.
The youngest boy of four (and one younger sister!), I grew up in Canton, Michigan, and I graduated from Eastern Michigan University in April of 2017 with a Bachelors Degree in Social Work. I spent six years working at a teen center, one year working at a youth homeless/emergency shelter, and nine months interning with an organization dedicated to the cause of assisting students experiencing homelessness or housing instability in achieving their educational pursuits. Our hope was that education would not be one of the countless ways in which their living situation can impact their lives. One day, I am sure that I will be back to working for the cause of youth empowerment. Even more than travel and adventure, this is the center of my heart. Helping young people to understand their inherant value and that they are loved is my greatest passion.
Before I can settle into one place, one job, one city, one role, however, I need to take advantage of my other passion–appeasing my wanderlust and experiencing what this beautiful planet has to offer. On this website I will be mostly writing about my travels and experiences while on the road. I have found that writing is extremely cathartic for me, and I have noticed that there are not many better ways to reminisce about time abroad than to relive it through words and pictures. In addition to providing my own self-prescribed word vomit therapy, my goal is to help those who are interested experience the world through my eyes. I hope you enjoy the journey!